Posted in School

Changing Schools – a year after

When people ask Kai what school he goes to he responds that he goes to a senior college. This is usually received by surprised faces, as he just turned 11 and Senior college starts in grade 10, so for 16 years olds.

Is he an extremely bright kid (of course he is, he is our son…duh…) that skipped five years? What is the story? Continue reading “Changing Schools – a year after”

Posted in Practical - Living in Australia

Cost to fill a house in Melbourne

Although an empty house is a perfect playground, according to our kids, we do prefer to be able to sit down while eating. So when we arrived in an empty house five months ago we had to start looking for furniture, appliances and lots of other practical stuff.

When moving from Europe, from a complete house full of everything, you wonder how much can actually bring along with you. And if you don’t what it would cost to buy it.

Continue reading “Cost to fill a house in Melbourne”

Posted in Moving, Practical - Living in Australia

Flight bagage when moving overseas

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Four people and a new life in Australia. How much of your ‘old’ life can you take along with you on a flight? A post about being creative with luggage allowance, items that we are glad that we brought, items that we should not have taken and lessons learned. This is our experience. Continue reading “Flight bagage when moving overseas”

Posted in Travel

Do you need police, fire or ambulance?


Our second night in the bush: It is a beautiful evening and we are alone in Buandik bush camp in the western side of the Grampians. The other couple had left and the two guys have not returned to camp yet, so it is just us. That little green dot between the trees is our tent.

10 p.m. Oliver is picking up his mobile phone dialing 000. Which gets answered with: “Is it really an emergency? Do you need police, fire or ambulance?” How did we end up calling the emergency number? Let me take you back to minutes before. Continue reading “Do you need police, fire or ambulance?”