Posted in School

School carnival- a parents view


After Kai’s blog post about the Essex Heights School Carnival I could not stay behind and write about my view of this day. If you are curious about what the people on the picture above are looking at, then continue reading and Luka (7) will give you the answer!

The Carnival is a fundraiser for the school and it has kept us parents busy for months. The carnival had several rides, an animal farm, food stalls, a silent auction, face painting,Ā pre-owned toys and books, several activities and stalls where you could purchase plants and home made items.

We received newsletters advising us how we could help and/or donate and every class had a stall assigned to them. The parent rep would be responsible for getting things organized.

Our class stalls

Luka’s class was in charge of the ‘bottle of luck’, Kai’s class for the ‘pirate digg’.

For the ‘bottle of luck’ stall (Luka’s class) everybody in the school could donate a bottle of wine, beer, spirits or a soft drink with a $10 gift voucher all had to be worth of at least $10. At the end about 110 bottles were donated. During the carnival these were all wrapped in newspaper and stalled. For $10 you could pick out one lucky bottle and keep it. One parent owns a winery and donated a box of Shiraz and a box of sparkling wine, so those were probablyĀ  to luckiest draws.

I helped the parent rep with the preparations of the Pirate dig. Part of the gifts were bought and one very generous parent donated gifts from China.Ā  We made the most effort in decoration our stall in style. We had a pirate flag, an almost real treasure box, we made barrels and the children from class made four big paintings. It was good to see that the children seemed to appreciate that, as we where almost out of gifts by the end of the day.

Kai and Luka’s favorite stalls

Both Kai and Luka had a blast. Kai’s (grade 3) favorite stall was the lob-a-choc, read more in his Blog Post that he wrote about it. Luka’s (grade 2 – five months of English) favorite part was the teacher dunk.Ā  Read her impression of this day here:

Luka's impression of the Carnival


The PE teacher was one of the lucky teachers for the teacher dunk…

The result

It was a fun and very rewarding day! We did spent way too much money on the event: the wristband for unlimited rides was $ 27 per child ! Then add the donations of wine, chocolate, a home made item and cake.Ā  And finally the money spent on the day on books, activities the silent auction and food.

I have heard of schools making more then $ 100.000 on such an event. It was the first Carnival at Essex Heights Primary School and although we did not raise quite that amount, the end result has been impressive.

The organizers, who are all parents as well, have done an amazing job!

The preparations for our Pirate stall started at 9.30.
The result from a distance.
If you bought a wristband you could go unlimited rides.
The face painting was done beautifully.




Mother, wife, explorer and loving the outdoors. We recently moved to Australia, so lots to explore here. We are keeping a blog about our experiences of moving and living on a different continent as a family.

6 thoughts on “School carnival- a parents view

  1. Wat een heerlijke omgeving en ruimte om die schoolactiviteit te doen! Geweldig hoe groots het is opgezet door de ouders šŸ‘
    Xx Susan


  2. Eure Berichte vom Schulfest sind ja richtig toll! Das war sicher ein aufregender Tag. Und die Vorbereitungen haben bestimmt auch SpaƟ gemacht. Das kann man an den Fotos erkennen. Ich bin richtig stolz auf Euch, Kai und Luka. Nach so wenigen Monaten kƶnnt Ihr schon so viel Englisch – und das auch noch schreiben. Super!
    Wann fangen denn Eure Sommerferien an? Noch vor Weihnachten oder erst danach?
    Liebe GrĆ¼ĆŸe vom stolzen Opa und Marie-Dorothee


    1. Es hat auch richtig spaƟ gemacht, sowohl fĆ¼r die Eltern als die Kindern.
      Die Sommerferien fangen hier die Woche vor Weinachten an und dauern etwa 5 1/2 Wochen. Unsere Urlaubplannen verƤndern noch stƤndig. Es gibt auch so viel zu sehen und tun…..


  3. Ha Luka, wat heb jij een leuk stuk geschreven zeg in het engels…knap hoor! Net zo knap als Kai, toen hij zijn eerste blog in het engels had geschreven. Jullie maken heel leuke dingen mee op school hoor. Ik sta er verbaasd van. En leuk dat mamma’s en papa’s er ook bij betrokken worden. Heel veel plezier en succes op school. Ik hoorde, dat jullie over een maand al zomervakantie hebben. Lieve groeten uit Baarlo voor jullie vier!


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